PVC plastic introduction


What is PVC and why is it so important?

For some time now, the Chemical Additives team has had the concern to reach its website visitors and briefly explain the subject related to Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), its additives and the complexity of reaching a finished product. that meets the needs of the market.

From the experts point of view, PVC is a versatile plastic that, due to its ability to be formulated and Tubería de PVC acquire different physical-mechanical properties, is considered an essential polymer to human life. This remains true to this day, even though PVC has been subjected to propaganda attacks by various organizations and other substitute polymers who wants to replace its market share.

Until today, PVC occupies the fourth place in being the most used plastic in the world, where the construction sector is its great strength. Two important reasons for this is its low cost compared to other plastics and secondly because it is composed of halogen salts, an important characteristic in preventing the spread of flame during fires

As in any other industry, the PVC industry and its additives have made considerable progress in recent years to comply with the most demanding market regulations, such as those established by REACH in Europe or the FDA in the United States, and thus ensure that the finished products do not represent a harm to the user's health. Some examples include the removal of heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead, from the thermal stabilizers and pigments used, or the exclusion of phthalates in plasticizers that come into contact with food applications. Thanks to this evolution, PVC has found use in medical devices, films and food packaging, cosmetic packaging and children's toys, among others.

Going back to PVC, we can say with certainty that this is a polymer in the form of a white, colorless and odorless powder, which without the addition of additives is of no use. Some additives are of functional type, that is, their characteristics attribute to the useful life of the finished product, and others are process additives, in order to achieve its transformation. These additives are added by a high-speed mixing process where, through high temperature generated by the shear effect, the particle shows its porosity and can adsorb them.

At Chemical Additives we take care of solving the arduous step of formulating and pelletizing, so that you, the final manufacturer, can easily satisfy your market. In addition, compound handling will always be easier and less polluting than handling powders that could dirty your work area.

Our daily activity is very similar to that of a bakery, where in addition to having line products, developments can be made at the request of our customer (tailor-made suit) by using a wide variety of ingredients.

In a bakery one can choose different sizes, flavors and decorations, a situation that is very similar to the PVC compound, because as we mentioned before, it is a plastic that is formulated. We are willing to listen to your concerns and help you complete your projects.

PVC processing factors

What makes our work very interesting is that we depend on certain external factors in order to know what product to offer, such as:

    • Process type There is the process of extrusion, co-extrusion, flat die extrusion, tubular extrusion, calendering, blow extrusion, blow injection, conventional injection, etc. This has great implication in the best formulation for your company, from the type of resin used to the required lubrication system.
    • PVC image.1Machinery type and specifications: Type of machinery, compression ratio, barrel length, temperature resistance, equipment wear, torque capacity. Peculiar characteristics of each equipment to alter the formulation.
    • Process parameters:Process temperature, production speed, amperage and mesh inclusion. Additional particular traits to know form each equipment.
    • End product requirements: are those that your market defines and can encompass transparency, impact resistance, color, resistance to UV rays, low odor, among others.
    • Quality end-product test performance: those carried out by your quality team to ensure that the product meets the requirements. A thorough inspection is important to ensure end user satisfaction.
    • External compliance: they can be of toxicological, physical-mechanical or other special nature. You may require materials that are free from phenols, phthalates, heavy metals, and/or meet outside laboratory testing.

The above information bolsters why we recommend performing a test to ensure that the offered PVC compound meets your requirement. If not, adjustments can be made. It is important that the client knows the above considerations in detail and communicates them to our technical team in order to guarantee punctual satisfaction of their needs.

It is curious to know that many people unrelated to the subject of PVC only relate this plastic to the production of pipes. With this article we give you a notion that this is not the case, since it can be transformed into irrigation hoses, cable coatings, automotive parts, toys, rugs, guarantee seals, among others. To learn more about it, we invite you to visit our applications section.

Chemical Additives S.A. de C.V.


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